Summoners War Guides For Newbie

Welcome to Summoners War – a mystical world where you will become a talented summoner, collecting and training powerful monsters to fight and explore the mysteries.
Are you new to Summoners War? Don’t worry! This Series Summoners War Guide Articles will help you step by step into this fascinating world, from the basics to advanced strategies.Follow our series of guides. Let’s get started…
Series Summoners War Guides For Newbie
Summoners War Guides For Newbie1. Terminology you need to know
I can answer all of your questions like this: This monster is strong, but you should keep it in storage for now and use it later. Most of the NAT4/5 monsters in the game are used for PvP (player vs. player) battles. However, to become strong enough to compete with other players, you need a team to farm materials.On the other hand, the strong monsters for PvE (player vs. environment) farming are mostly monsters that you can completely farm for, including many NAT2/3 monsters. Therefore, as long as you know how to manage your resources, you can still play the game well even if you don’t summon any good NAT5s. In fact, building NAT5s too early can actually slow down your game progress (I will explain this in more detail later).
Closing the issue:
Summoners War Guides For Newbie
Her main role is to farm experience. When you need to level up some of your monsters, you can take her along with Lapis to farm Faimon Volcano 1 Hell (you can read more about this in the Summoner’s Path).Farming in Faimon 1 Hell has many advantages: it’s fast because your Lapis will only have to fight fire monsters, it drops Inugami which you will need later on, and it drops Steel to craft important buildings.Lapis: can also be used in ToA, Labyrinth, Fire Rift, etc.
Some additional tips:
Summoners War Guides For Newbie
You can use Honor Points to buy devilmon, then buy Light/Dark pieces, and if you have any left over, buy Legendary Runes.Additional tips for old player:
Summoners War Guides For Newbie
Every day, you need to do 3 Guild Battle matches and 5 Labyrinth battles (at first, you can play Normal, if you find it too difficult, you can play Easy). You can use the guild points to buy from the guild shop, buy rainbowmon first every week, then buy Ifrit pieces, and the rest buy universal pieces.
Additional tips:
6. A Few More Important Tips
Series Summoners War Guides For Newbie
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