The Art of Ults and Ult Stacking [T3 Arena]

Understanding Ults in T3 is as important as anything else in the game. Utilizing your Ult in the most effective and appropriate manner can be the difference between securing the payload/ check point and looking like a noob because you wasted a perfectly good Ult.
Most (not all) Ults are objective specific. Keep in mind that it’s up to you to know which Ults are better suited for your objective. Let’s take Jabali for example.
His default Ult (Arc Storm) is a fantastic Ult that’s very objective specific and SHOULD be used on CONTROL maps. It’s covers a large area (unfortunately you are not invincible to damage, unlike the Yaa Ult but that’s for another article), and it’s designed to hit a lot of enemies at once. His second Ult being Pulsar Response is a PAYLOAD specific Ult that SHOULD be used specifically for escort maps.
The easiest way to choose an Ult for an objective is to think about a few things.
-Does this Ultimate block damage or deal damage?
-Does this Ultimate create space or secure space?
-Does this Ultimate prove to be more effective against a group or better utilized for singular person?
How to Read Ults
In T3 there is a feature that is overlooked by ALOT of new players. The Ultimate indicator frame around every characters photo at the top of the UI. If you pay attention, you will see the frame around a characters photo change from blue to gold. The gold frame indicates that an Ult is ready for that specific player.
To even get better information (this requires knowing what most characters Ult/Passive icons looks like. Most are common sense) you can see what Ult/Passive abilities not only your team has selected, but the enemy team as well by looking at the bottom of their title card at the beginning of a match. This little bit of information can save you so many times, but also make you a better player.
Ult Stacking
Ult stacking is the practice of piling on Ults that compliment each other. With the information that you’ve gathered from the title cards and from the Ult indicator frame around a teammates icon, you can watch out for the perfect opportunity to pop your Ult. Certain combinations of Ults can completely reset an enemy team. Just make sure that you have the most optimal Ult selected to seize the moment when the opportunity comes.
Hope this helps,
Great post, really informative! Will watch my ult usage more carefully.
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