Honest review
I like the game play since I've longed for a Pokémon moba.
Aoes Coin Progression
This is overall a good game. Balancing is sometimes questionable. The rewards for progression is below average. 2100 aoes coins weekly limit is just not enough. Most Pokémon cost 10k-15k which is too expensive since it takes about 5-8 dedicated weeks to actually buy one.
Skin Effects Lacking (both cloths and Pokémon)
The season rewards are quite underwhelming. The skins in game aren't that good since they're pricey but lack effects that fits thier price.
Events rewards are VERY small (Im not exaggerating)
Lastly, the events aren't as good as before. Pls make the game more rewarding. The devs just gave like 50 tickets or something (wth that's so small).
At least the welcome back rewards compensate for it but still, (look the "Welcome back rewards" on reddit)
I'll rate this to 4 stars once you give us players better rewards for upcoming events
The energy tank needs a bit more energy capacity, it dies up way too fast.
(Not related but SEA server is a bit laggy)
Anyway, pls increase the weekly limit from 2100 to 3000. Thank you.
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