Attention all players, it's time to shed light on the dire state of the game. Yesterday, I filed a report against a core/jungler teammate who blatantly ignored their role, opting to linger in the middle lane. Consequently, our defeat was inevitable, as we suffered from a severe lack of gold and failed to secure key objectives. Despite my efforts, Moonton's response was a slap in the face – no violation found. Clearly, the reporting system and staff are grossly inadequate. Everything operates on autopilot; recordings remain unreviewed, validation is nonexistent. Verbal abuse is the only offense met with swift punishment, conveniently detected by the system's algorithms.
Spread the word far and wide: Moonton couldn't care less about player satisfaction. Their sole focus is profit, evident in their relentless churn of superficial skins while neglecting gameplay optimization. Even their customer support is robotic and scripted, devoid of genuine concern for players' grievances. In short, they exhibit a blatant disregard for their player base.
It's time to consider alternatives. Your hard-earned money funneled into this game is a black hole. Sooner or later, you'll be abandoned. Unless, of course, you're a high-profile figure lining their pockets with cash. Let's amplify this message: spread it like wildfire. The more players we lose, the more abysmal the game experience becomes. And when that tipping point is reached, even the most loyal players will bid farewell.
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