Beat Street: Retro gaming in your pocket

One of the problems of living in Cuba is that you have to constantly battle against the terrible quality and speed of the Internet. That's why, as an Android gamer, I'm always on the lookout for offline games.
In this constant search, I came across Beat Street, a casual beat 'em up with a retro, arcade, pixel art style, or whatever you want to call it, that fulfills its objective very well: hours and hours of beating up baddies in the streets of a fictional city.
Toko is this city, which has been taken over by a sort of humanoid rat mafia (that's my best description), making everything smell like cheese. Our job will be to make our way through the streets of Toko, kicking and punching the rat's henchmen.
To carry out our mission, we will have several characters that we will unlock gradually as we level up. There are about 300 levels, more or less.
That's the story, nothing more, and it doesn't need more. It's a beat 'em up.
The gameplay is very simple. You can do everything with simple taps or swipes on the screen. There is the option to play with the device in portrait or landscape mode. Personally, I play it in portrait mode because I feel like it enhances the illusion that I'm playing an old game on a GAMEBOY or something like that.
On the other hand, the graphics are well-crafted, a design that respects pixel art and all the style that comes with it.
The music was created by someone named Moxo (I think that's the name) and I think they did a good job too.
To summarize, Beat Street is a simple and entertaining game, perhaps even addictive. It's a good option to kill time while waiting for whatever, here in Cuba, the bus.
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