👍 Pros: Definitely a good game and worth your time as the fighting is really smooth.
👎 Cons: Leveling to progress into the story is pretty bad, the story loses its meaning at it gets harder to level up. 🎮 Gameplay: The gameplay is confusing at first. Personally, it was the custom house that did it for me. The pop ups of notifications and events, covering your whole screen.
📖 Storyline: The story was interesting until the developers said “screw it” to the story we had when we were at the start, fighting off enemies and uses as weapons. This pissed me off the most because it was a good. Don’t get me start or this girl, Erii Uesugi (the person in the picture). The constant disrespect and the ignorance is crazy, I understand this game was originally a novel but I’m not going to play a game and be a mute side character, that’s a terrible combination. At least let me feel like I belong in the damn game! I feel invisible which made me quit in the first place. The game got boring and the leveling got harder which not worth my time. I’m just going to progress in the story just to hear useless dialogue at club 95. I am a level 90+ illusionist so I have experience with this game, I tried to continue to see if it got better. Oh boy was I wrong, yap yap yap about nothing and the plot loses its touch. 🕹️ Controls: The controls are amazing, nothing wrong with it. I also like how I can have a new display of attacks with other classes in the games.
🎨 Graphics: The graphics are smooth and vibrant. 👥 Multiplayer: The multiplayer system is ok, it’s not bad but not the best. Sometimes when me or another/group attack an enemy, I’m always getting attacked. Maybe that’s just my damage or something but it does gets on my nerves sometimes. Also the pvp sucks (don’t you dare tell me to get better) we literally have auto lock/aim, there is no skill at all when it comes to pvp.
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