The game is an exact port from the PC version, its the best there is realistically but it slacks in alot of areas for a mobile game..
👍 Pros:
Direct Port (It Seems) which by name makes it the best supermarket simulator on the mobile market..
Had a graphical and crashing update which makes it play better.
👎 Cons:
Interact button: You have to click to interact to do something.. mobile games dont last long with this, we need a direct way to interact, its quite simple and i hope the developer does this.. i think this is the only thing stopping people from playing.
Too many ADS when connected to Internet; You play for around 2 minutes or do some tasks such as restock and serve customers and are hit by ads, the best way to resolve this is by adding an option to remove them via purchase as most games do, its quite greedy they get ad revenue without and option to remove it like most games again..have the option to.
Fix the above and itll be the best there is trust me.
As for the players, still give it a try its enjoyable. Just needs some work 👍🏽
Mentioned games
Oki Doki
Oki Doki
nah the lights are quite an irritation, they're not doing what they're suppose to lol
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