Be helpful to the devs t3 arena

it’s really easy to just say “game shit fix game lol” but I don’t think even the devs know how to help the game we need to give the devs actual a ideas like for example
The hero’s that are locked behind a paywall shouldn’t be playable in ranked
Reduce the amount of game modes and have them cycle once a day (but cas 5v5) so ppl have a better time finding matches with real ppl
Maybe have extremely small patches once a week instead of the 2 big ones every season
Scrap battle royal or change it to a event that happens one every 2weeks and stays for 4 days
More use for coins like being able to buy other currencies like skin tickets or sum
Make events for ads (the person who makes the best ad gets to have it posted everywhere and gets  a special Ingame reward or even allow them to test bets feature
HAVE A WAY FOR PPL TO FEEL MORE CONNECTED TO THE  DEVELOPERS like live qnas or have developers be more included in the community
or just be honest if this game is a cash grab
Mentioned games
. nod these r usfl takes. apprct th ambition with battle royal bt they should save that for far futr n focus on unique events^
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