This game is a rehashed version of the same old CN version(when it was launched)with a few tweaks to make it more P2W and less F2P friendly. Also I've been playing this game for a few days now but for some reason Taptap didn't record those hours. I've been playing the CN version for 2.5+ years now on my current account(I also had a day 1 account in CN version) and this game is exactly the same as when CN was launched but the dev company gets way more greedier. A lot(read as most since only the daily and weekly activity tab gives out the premium currency) of the premium currency that we could get from the free events and dailies have been removed. You can play it F2P too but you have to be extremely patient and plan out our gacha extravaganzas. The devs also changed some of the skills(of base 1 and 2 star in CN version) to their more OP counterparts which take hundreds if not thousands of hours to get in the CN server. It's like they've abandoned the CN version.
On the flip side there are no OP units like in the CN version and it's pretty easy to win matches. If you are planning to play and you don't stay in Korea or nearby countries you will need a Ping booster coz otherwise the ping will decimate you in the PVP and Ranked matches. I will continue playing this game for quite some time and you can find me in-game as Ratzla(Lockon pfp with Zeta bg). As always Stay Frosty
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is this all about CN Version?
Avinandan Ganguly
Avinandan Ganguly
This is all about the new KR, TW versions. They're basically CN version at launch but more P2W
What is CN, KR, TW, and P2W
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