Ways to unlock Sync Pairs

Source: gamepress
As the main draw of Pokemon Masters, there are two ways to unlock trainers and their Pokemon, referred to as Sync Pairs in-game. The first is to unlock them through playing the story, while other trainers will need to be scouted.
Full pair of Sync Pairs in the link below
Story Mode Sync Pairs
There are currently 22 Story Mode Unlockable characters for Part 1, with more available in the future! Do note that not all chapters for part 1 are available at the moment.
Trainer Scouting Sync Pairs
Many other Sync Pairs such as Olivia or Phoebe are exclusive to Trainer Scouting. Trainer scouting requires 300 gems per try, or 3,000 for 10 tries, with a daily discount available for 100 paid gems. It is accessible from the "Shop" Menu.
The story-unlock Sync Pairs have various rarities, but for Trainer Scouting each rarity has a different drop rate, with the probability for specific characters depending on the banner and general pool. The general drop rates are below:
Who Should I Roll For? What Pairs are Good Investments?[/b]
Before understand which should be rolled for, understand how to reroll in Pokemon Master is important which makes beginner faster get what they want or stronger pair.
1️⃣How to Reroll Starting Characters in Pokemon Masters
By the time you get into Chapter 10, you'll have only received 3,690 Gems. It costs 3,000 Gems to do a 10-pull.
Players who want to get to their first ten pull(without the login bonus) will spend over 6 hours playing through the story.
The fastest method of rerolling now is progressing through the story until the end of Chapter 1 to receive 1200 Gems. These four rolls are the fastest to obtain. 
If you are unsatisfied with your characters, click in the bottom right corner of the screen on your Poryphone, go to Account, and select Delete Save Data. 
2️⃣When Can You Reroll?
Realistically, the only way you'll be able to effectively reroll is through the login bonus. The natural payout for free Gems is extremely low and the currently available log-in bonus rewards very little. 
The available 5★ Sync Pairs for this launch are:
• Phoebe and Dusclops
• Kris and Totodile
• Brendan and Treecko
• Olivia & Lycanroc(Midnight Form)
• Karen & Houndoom
You'll receive 1,000 free Gems + 200 for daily login that you can use to get four pulls right out the gate. If you want to play the game until you'll get the special banner, you'll need to spend money on Gems. 
[b]Who should I reroll?
[/b]Make a reference on what you may need for, the Sync Pairs tire list may give you advice for what you are looking for.
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