Call of Duty: Mobile - Season 2 Update Live Now

[/b]Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile community, week after week we’ve been talking about many different upcoming features, changes, and pieces of content being worked on by our teams and today we get to show you the fruit of that labor.
Today we are releasing the Season 2 Update for Call of Duty: Mobile! This update is live now in all regions and to update just search for Call of Duty: Mobile on the Android or Apple storefront.
We are going to go outside of the normal format this Community Update to focus more on the update, the content inside of it, and then the update notes. You all have been asking for many of these features or new pieces of content and we are thrilled to be sharing it with you all in detail! Let’s get to it!
Call of Duty: Mobile - Zombies Mode
The horde is here and ready challenge you and three friends in this new zombies experience brought to Call of Duty: Mobile! Here is a quick look at the zombies and its two modes:
Raid Mode
Venture out into the classic Call of Duty: World War at War zombies’ map Shi No Numa and explore as much as you can with your teammates while preparing for the final battle.
Traditional points-based system with wall buys for weapons and locked doors
Boarding windows and killing zombies are the two primary ways of earning points
Round based with an 8-round limit for Normal difficulty
Round based with a 12-round limit for Hardcore difficulty
On the 8/12th rounds all players are sent to fight for their lives against the Abomination (boss)
Earn new zombies exclusive loot each time you play (check in-game for specifics)
Explore above and below ground to find clues about the reason the lab was abandoned
Endless Survival Mode
Participate in this traditional zombies mode where it is all up to you determine how long you can survive against the undead hordes. This is your classic endless wave-based mode with all the features listed above for Raid Mode minus the boss fight. Compete against your friends and the general community to last the longest on the zombies mode leaderboards.
For both modes, make sure to seek out and collect those unique weapons that will give you perks specific to that mode. However, these weapons may not all be found on wall-buys, so if you cannot find a weapon turn to the mystery box.
For new or returning zombies players you can find more details, tips, and general information about this new limited time mode in our ZOMBIES Mode blog post that will be releasing soon on the Activision Blog.
Controller Support
Every week you’ve been asking for it and now it is here, controller support! Here is the basic overview:
How It Works
DUALSHOCK4 PlayStation 4 and official Xbox One controllers are supported
1st gen versions of those official PS4 controllers are not supported
Controllers will only work in matches and not in menus.
You should enable controller settings in-game before syncing your wireless controller
Players will only be matched with other players who are using controllers
However, if you are in a party and one your party member uses a controller then the whole party will be matched with other players using controllers.
For more details, like how to setup a controller or to see what kind of control options you’ll have then head in-game to the Help Section (the Question Mark to the left of your Inbox) and Controllers and Emulators.
Additional Login Options
While we still have additional options coming for this and new ways to link your account or login, we do have two new ways to login with this update: Google Play & Game Center
When using a Guest account you will now have the option to link that guest account to your Google Play or Game Center account. That will allow you to save, protect, and sync your data to those accounts. However, unlike Facebook or Line this does not pull any information over, like your profile picture.
Warning, you will not be able to switch from a previous account to one of these new login options without losing your player data, but all players may now utilize these options to initially setup and link your account.
New maps, new modes, new content, and plenty of fixes and changes. For those you are seeking new ways to interact with your clan and receive rewards for doing so you’ll now be able to participate in daily clan missions. This comes alongside a new clan weekly and season ranking system.
If you’ve been yearning for new maps to master then look no further, we have a limited time winter themed version of Raid coming this season alongside our featured map from this update: Summit.
Battle Royale
Multiplayer isn’t the only mode getting plenty of love in this update, but you’ll now find new areas of the map to explore alongside a winter themed update.
For those of you who are looking to truly explore make sure to look for changes & additions beyond just snowy areas with new weapon to acquire, the M16, and new events to encounter. Other players aren’t all there is to find roaming the snowy hills and streets of Isolated.
[b]Call of Duty: Mobile 2.0 Update Notes
Season 2 Update is Live! The new season runs from 11.25.2019 to 1.15.2020
- New winter themed rewards for ranked Multiplayer and Battle Royale!
- New Premium and Free Battle Pass Rewards!
New Characters and themed content
- Ranked Improvements
Season 1 rank will not be reset, and will influence starting rank in Season 2
Scoring experience has been balanced at higher ranks
Optimized ranked matchmaking to reduce wait times
Banned players will be removed from leaderboards
Improved scoring issues in rare cases
Controller Support available!
- For players using DUALSHOCK 4 Wireless Controllers on certain versions Android devices there is currently an issue with certain features or the controller itself not functioning. We are investigating these issues. Please keep an eye out for updates.
- Generation 2 and later wireless Playstation 4 and Xbox controllers are now supported in matches
- Controller support is currently unavailable in lobby, store and loadout
Zombie mode is here! The long-awaited zombie mode is now live with two different modes
- Play classic Survival or objective driven Raid mode on the Shi No Numa map
- Find the Easter Eggs to explore additional content
- Unlock new zombies unique content
New Limited Time Modes
o One Shot, One Kill
First to 20 kills with a J358 Revolver wins!
o Sticks and Stones
Mix of melee, Molotovs and limited Operator Skills in this new mode. First to 20 kills wins
o Prop Hunt
Become either the hunter or hunted in this popular Call of Duty mode!
New Map: Summit
Battle it out in this high altitude location from the Black Ops universe
Available for TDM, Domination, Search and Destroy and Frontline
- Limited time holiday themed Raid map
- New Operator Skill and Scorestreak coming soon
Battle Royale
New map areas
Circus themed area
Snowy areas
Map improvements
Expanded the underground area of the bus station
- New Limited Time Battle Royale Mode
Sniper Rifle Challenge
Become the last one standing while using a sniper rifle only
- New weapon
M16 rifle that fires 5.56mm ammo
- New Battle Royale Class coming soon!
- Battle Royale holiday events coming soon!
Social Features
- Daily Clan missions
Earn credits by completing clan missions
- New Weekly and Season clan ranking system
- New experience bonus for playing with your friends
Improvements and Optimizations
Ranked Mode
- Season 1 rank will not be reset, and will influence starting rank in Season 2
- Scoring experience has been balanced at higher ranks
- Optimized ranked matchmaking to reduce wait times
- Banned players will be removed from leaderboards
- Improved scoring calculations for rare circumstances
- Optimized the bullet penetration of certain walls in some MP maps
- Optimized the mantling of various objects in MP
- Improved natural lighting on MP maps
- Added firing during hip fire to ADS transition
- Added fixed joystick option in settings
- Added a firing turn function in setting
- Optimize the firing responsiveness in Multiplayer and Battle Royale
- Slightly increased the charge up time of Sparrow operator skill
- Slightly increased firing rate of LK24
- Slightly increased Chicom damage, while reduced damage effectiveness at longer distances
- Slightly increased range of the HG 40 while reducing damage effectiveness at longer distances
- Slightly increased damage of W1200 and M1887 shotguns
- Slightly increased vertical recoil of Arctic .50 and extended the aiming time
- Slightly increased the distance of DLQ33
- Slightly increased recoil of UL736 and M4LMG
- Slightly reduced the lethality of AKS74U at medium and long ranges and slightly increased recoil
- Slightly increased recoil of AK117
- Slightly reduced forward movement speed
- Optic attachments will slightly affect ADS speed
- Optimized recoil animations while in hip fire and ADS
- Optimized reloading animation to sync with ammo increase
- Improved bullet hit detection
- Improved melee hit detection
- Improved weapon firing control
- Improved the firing sounds for all weapons
- Optimized the equipment throwing and trajectory indicator
- Optimized quick throw function in settings
- Added kill confirmation sound
- Added a marking system to multiplayer
Battle Royale
- Slightly reduced damage taken when outside the safe zone
- Improved the logic of safe zone spawn
- Improved the information displayed on mini map
- Optimized recoil performance for lower frame rates
- Improved accuracy of directional sounds of footsteps and weapons
- Optimized the pursuit performance of FHJ for airdrop aircraft.
- Optimized timing of thermal sights
- Slightly increased Chicom damage, while reduced damage effectiveness at longer distances
- Significantly increased the damage of gas bombs on Zombies
- Slightly reduced the number of vehicle spawns
- Improved control of certain vehicles
- Optimized loading of vehicle assets
- Added vehicle health indicator for driver
- Improved logic of air drop location
- Reduced health of Zombie summoned by Toy Bomb
- Slightly reduced slowdown effect of EMP Drone
- Resolved issue with EMP Drone colliding with obstacles
- Improved camera behavior for improved overall performance
- Improved movement while using stairs
- Improved movement while climbing through windows
System and Client
- Improved battery usage and temperature
- Improved performance on minimum spec devices
- Improved “Play Again” functionality
- Improved game descriptions in mode selection
- Added support for displaying HD images for avatars
- Support for adding friends from profile information screen
- Improved display information of players in matches
- Various bug fixes
We hope you made it through to the end of that massive list of new content, fixes, changes, and everything coming with our huge Season 2 Update. Please let us know what you think of all it, whether it is weapon balance, new maps, zombies mode, or anything you wish to discuss with the community!
There is still more on the way, so keep an eye out for the Season 2 Battle Pass coming out November 25th and some posts providing additional information about that.
Until next time!
-Call of Duty: Mobile Team
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Min Thu Khant
Min Thu Khant
Finally its here imma update now 😊
that be the cool😍😍
Hariz Izzairi
Hariz Izzairi
Wow, good garena
brk cod mobile isnt even oficial from garena its from its from tencent
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Meurad Barca
Meurad Barca
Почему у меня после обновления не запускается игра?
Hoàng Đinh
Hoàng Đinh
Stuck at 99% can't log in
Петя Балчиков
Петя Балчиков
Call of duty Mobile zombies
bakit po ayawag open ng game kaka download ko lng
Somsong Samutke
Somsong Samutke
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