“Teamfight Tactics (TFT)” Tier List for Patch 10.3

Source: mobalytics
# 中文版(主流陣容/英雄分級):https://www.tap.io/topic/2147575897
As Riot confirmed "Teamfight Tactics" is a cross-platform game, "TFT Mobile" also featured latest Patch 10.3 in this closed beta. According to the mobalytics champions strength analysis, this may guide beginners to get their prefered champions and builds more easily when playing the TFT Mobile closed beta.
And always, the tier list is subjective and you may find out champions that appears more roles in more builds.
TFT Tier List for Patch 10.3

TFT Tier List Methodology
Our goal is to deliver the most correct tier list we can. When data becomes available, we will add that to our decision making as well.
To ensure accuracy, we work with experts with multiple Queen accounts like Ace of Spades and Saintvicious to scientifically test hypotheses and come to logical conclusions. We will update these as frequently as possible until the meta settles.
We justify our decision making in the notes, so be sure to read that and weigh in. We welcome feedback to figure out what we missed!
[b]Units are valued in the following ways:
S-tier = Super powerful and contested champs that everyone wants and forms comps around.
A-tier = Champs that fit very well into powerful comps in the meta.
B-tier = Champs that are situational but still fit into good comps.
Not on the list = Champs that are rarely contested and have better alternatives for their comps or just don’t fit into a strong comp at all.
TFT Tier List Champion Analysis
In this section, we’ll provide commentary on our unit placings with specific insights based on the different phases of play.
Major updates from Patch 10.3
Ashe – S
• Ashe may not be the primary carry in the Poison Rangers comp, but Statikk Shiv can carry a long way on Vayne. Her presence also allows crystal with Taric and her contribution on the team is large enough to warrant S tier.
Nocturne – B
• Nocturne has seen very little play, only as an add-on for steel or an add-on for 6 assassin teams. Because of this, his old glory days are gone and he will fall to B tier.
Qiyana – A
• Qiyana was a great unit for so long, but her role in Sum Sins has diminished as other comps have just slowly crept up in power, leaving Sum Sins behind.
[b]Thresh – B
• Thresh and Nautilus were overpowered in the meta where mana was everything, but with Leona being a cost-efficient front line, Thresh is only utilized in Ocean Mage comps. As a standalone unit, he will likely be replaced by Nautilus or higher cost wardens.
Zyra – A
• Zyra isn’t as powerful as the old days in set 2, but her roles as an early inferno unit make her key for transitioning in Shadow Summoners or 6 Inferno comps.
1-Cost Units
• Diana can be paired with early inferno units like Zyra and Varus or with Assassins such as Nocturne and Qiyana.
• Works well with other Woodland units (Maokai, Neeko, Leblanc) early for pressure.
• Leona’s kit is very simple, as she is simply a strong frontline unit that will mainly be used to add lunar into your comp.
• Pairs nicely with other low cost predator units for possible hyper-roll or early game pressure.
• Works well with other Woodland units (Ivern, Neeko, Leblanc) early for pressure.
• Gives good frontline and is necessary for light builds throughout the game.
• Mainly will be used to pair with other wardens or an early electric buff with Volibear.
• Provides great transition into berserkers and desert before stronger units come.
• Should be used early to splash in mountain with either Malphite or Qiyana to win some extra rounds.
• Integral early and mid game carry for any light build. Paired with Nasus and one more Light, Vayne provides good backline DPS.
• Solid standalone unit that synergizes well with other mages being an ocean origin.
• Warwick allows for early predator to win streak early and pairs nicely with Kog’Maw as a game starter.
• Great first unit as she provides solid DPS as well as transitions into stronger summoners.
2-Cost Units[/b]
• Mainly will be used as a frontliner with other wardens before finding stronger wardens.
• Great early game unit to pair with Vayne and Nasus for early light buff.
• Pairs well with other Woodland (Ivern, Maokai, Neeko) for early pressure.
• Similar to Zyra, a solid unit that provides extra DPS as well as transitions into shadow and summoner.
• Pairs well with other Woodland (Ivern, Maokai, Leblanc) for early pressure.
• Early predator and steel can be very strong early with hyperroll potential as well as assassin potential.
• Senna has the powerful ability to allow Lucian, or herself, to stay alive after dying. Senna is no slouch herself as well. Her ability will do surprising amounts of damage if positioning allows her to hit many of her allies.
• Can be used with Ashe for crystal before you find Taric, or as a frontline to add into predator comps.
• Similar to Vladimir, synergizes naturally with mages as she gives mana through Ocean. Natural pair with Vladimir.
• Being ocean and warden, along with Nautilus, pairs naturally as your frontline for mage builds.
• Being inferno and ranger, pairs extremely well with Kindred to bring ranger buff and one off inferno buff.
• Utilize Volibear early as a pair with Ornn to make use of the electric buff.
• Being one of the few cloud units in the game, pairs well with Qiyana if she happens to roll cloud in your game.
[b]3-Cost Units
• A strong unit with a strong ability also having light. Aatrox will be a frontliner in any light build during the mid game.
• The only 3-cost summoner will likely be who you put your items on mid game and pairs very well with either Sivir or Kha’Zix for desert.
Dr. Mundo[/b]
• A necessary unit for any build that wants to run poison with Singed and Twitch.
• Can be very snowbally in the mid game with items like Luden’s Echo, but will fall off compared to better rangers like Ashe or Twitch.
• Her ability is quite powerful as the huge attack speed buff can make units like Master Yi, Olaf, or Nocturne go crazy, but this also depends on how long her shield can stay up.
• Very powerful unit with 3 traits. Can pair early with inferno or shadow alongside other rangers.
• Very natural pair with Thresh to bring warden and ocean to the team, and a strong CC ability to hit backline units.
• Used mainly for the midgame, Nocturne has built in survivability with both his ability and steel origin.
• Very flexible unit which brings synergies based on the elemental hex in the game. Each variable element can be used early to complete synergies that were unavailible otherwise.
• A beefy frontliner to use to complete any shadow buff you want to put on units like Master Yi or Kindred.
• A great ranged carry reminiscent of Draven that can make use of both desert and blademaster very easily requiring only two units each for their initial buff.
• Another light unit that allows for good survivability if paired with other mystic units.
• Use in the midgame for builds that wish to either transition into shadow or mages depending on what you find.
4-Cost Units
• Strong summoner unit that allows for Inferno builds to get stronger and provides extra frontline after summoning Tibbers.
• Ashe has a great DPS ability with built-in survivability in crystal that pairs very well with Taric in the late game.
• Likely the highest DPS mage, any mage build should try and look for Brand to make as their carry.
• Very nice support ability that keeps your backline safe and heals, while also providing magic resistance with mystic.
• A very strong assassin with Desert that is very easy to fit in with either Sivir or Azir.
• Lucian being able to continue dealing damage even after he dies is extremely powerful, and ensuring your Senna stays alive for soulbound will be a priority.
• Probably the strongest CC unit in the game alongside Nami, Malphite provides great frontline and disruption for any team that can fit him.
[/b]• Any berserker build should look for Olaf as their main carry with his ability Ragnorak.
• Provides more flexibility for ranger builds that can opt to go for poison with Singed and Dr. Mundo.
• The final light unit which will complete any build going 6 light allowing for crazy attack speed for your backline carries.
5-Cost Units
• Amumu functions similarly to Cho’Gath from set 1 in that he is a tanky frontliner whose ability is mainly for CC. With Amumu also comes changes to the inferno trait, so new team comp possibilities will be ready for those willing to try.
Master Yi
• A very strong late game carry with built in survivability in his skill and even more DPS with shadow and blademaster traits.
• Great backline CC unit as well as support unit that allows your units to deal more damage.
• Very interesting unit and will almost always be run alongside Twitch and Dr. Mundo to allow for the poison buff to activate.
• One of the best defensive front line units in the game that pairs very naturally with Ashe to allow for more survivability.
• A very fun unit to use that can be used in almost any assassin or summoner build as your last added unit for more DPS.
7-Cost Units
• Extremely powerful unit allowing for extra trait bonuses, allowing for crazy end game builds if you find the perfect Lux.
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