hunter X Hunter (tw hk & Mcu) pre-registrations is available and shows official release date

Cool news who played Chinese version of hunter X Hunter this Chinese version of games is needs WeChat or QQ and useless play time for players under 18 years you can only play maximum 90 minutes in workday, 3 hours in weekend
Don't worry In 30 June Taiwan Hong Kong and Macau version of hunter X Hunter to be released in today pre-registration is started this is typically 2D sidescroll brawler with unique gameplay 100% authorized hunter X Hunter universe and more
game bio is interesting who learned Chinese language or please read English version of this bio in Chinese version of hunter X Hunter
《獵人 HUNTER×HUNTER》是由 獵人×獵人製作委員會 正版授權的手遊,以大型多人在線為基礎,強調角色培養,玩家社交,共同挑戰和玩家對抗的橫版動作遊戲。
《獵人 HUNTER×HUNTER》是由 獵人×獵人製作委員會 正版授權的手遊,以大型多人在線為基礎,強調角色培養,玩家社交,共同挑戰和玩家對抗的橫版動作遊戲。遊戲故事背景以及美術風格以2011年版動畫《HUNTER×HUNTER》為藍本,遊戲中玩家使用原創角色進入到獵人世界中,見證原著角色們的成長歷程,與他們共同完成挑戰和冒險。
—— 遊戲介紹—— 【正統還原×原著劇情×經典再現】 《獵人 HUNTER×HUNTER》的劇情故事完全還原了動畫的劇情,遊戲中玩家將以全新的視角再次回顧動畫中精彩的情節,以自定義原創角色的身份遊歷整個獵人世界,與小傑、奇犽等經典角色共同戰鬥共同成長。
【六大職業×意念六系×升級轉職】 《獵人 HUNTER×HUNTER》中的六大原創職業源自動畫意念六系的設定,分別延伸出劍士、刺客、念氣師、槍手、舞者、學著六大職業,各職業對應不同念的屬性,衍生出一套專屬職業的技能成長體系。
【念力格鬥×爽快連打×炫酷技能】 《獵人 HUNTER×HUNTER》的橫版動作對戰模式。十分考驗操作以及技能的搭配。合理的技能搭配能打出暢快的連擊,即便是同一職業也可按照自身喜好搭配出不同的流派。遊戲中的還可進行轉職,獲取進階職業的專屬技能。
【實時對決×巔峰之戰×公平競技】 決鬥場是《獵人 HUNTER×HUNTER》中玩家們進行實時對戰的場所,在決鬥場場中,既可以進行一對一的實時對戰,也可以進行考驗配合的多人組隊對決。限定時間中擊敗對手或者剩餘血量多的一方可獲得勝利。決鬥場也是遊戲中獵人們磨煉操作技術、研究技能搭配的最佳場所。
This version if hunter X Hunter is without WeChat or QQ you can linking account via guest Google account apple account Facebook and beanfun
About real information about hunter X Hunter (tw hk mcu) this information is form official Facebook hunter X Hunter account
👉 "Appointment Trial x Successfully Cleared x Show your hunter license! 》   The super-blooded mobile game masterpiece authorized by the popular anime "HUNTER × HUNTER" is now under hot appointment‼   New hunters! Now as long as you leave a message to get the exclusive hunter license after completing the reservation, and TAG 3 friends, you will have the opportunity to be launched by Figurama, the hunter with a height of 76 x width 70 x depth 64 [Chairman VS Ant King] super exquisite 1/6 battle statue Take home Yo (ฅ`ω´ฅ)   📣Activity time From now until 2020.06.30 at 23:59 PM   📣Activity 1⃣Followers follow by likes 2⃣Share this activity post 3⃣Leave a message to reserve an exclusive hunter license for successful customs clearance TAG 3 friends ※The above steps need to be completed. If any of the above conditions are missing, you will be disqualified from winning.   📣Event reward ✨The first phase of "Press Like Messages Up to 500" Full service plus [Partner Treasure Box]*2, [Purple Diamond]*100   ✨The second stage "Press Like Messages Up to 1500" Full service plus [Partner Treasure Box]*3, [Enhanced Treasure Box]*3, [Purple Diamond]*200   ✨The third stage of "press like message number reaches 3000, share number reaches 100" Full service plus [Partner Treasure Box]*5, [Enhanced Treasure Box]*5, [Purple Diamond]*500 ‼ In addition, add 1 extra to send the hunter [President VS Ant King] GK.   ※Bonus will be distributed after the game goes online, the time will be announced separately. What are you waiting for? Quickly find friends and become hunters 💪 Please pay attention to the game time, do not indulge in games
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