[Novice] Game skills experience sharing, you may get what you want here.

Endless cloister:
There are 100 levels in total. The king’s necklace is in 90th level and the clothes are in the 100th level.
The small bosses are easy to defeated, if you can’t defeat them, you can activate the ice system. When the small boss is on the edge of death ,there will be a golden claw on his head, which can be used to heal and be invincible at the same time. The boss will appear at levels with number “5” and “0”. 
Individual boss details
Darkpriest Urban:
When the aura behind the boss rotates counterclockwise, use shields to prevent five consecutive flashes. Others can be avoided by blocking, and you can stand in the middle of four small circles if you don’t have time to go away when the thunder falls, and the power can’t be reached. It’s a good time to output when the boss to call the Big Circle Ghost Hand on the ground, but we must keep the boss in sight.
 Temple Knight:
Five consecutively bouncing shield skill must be used at the first meet to against the boss, or we will die directly. The boss will be knocked down by the flying axe at the 2nd phase, but it will cost a lot of mana. It is better to use five consecutively bouncing shield skill.
 Pig Demon:
It is quite normal, just dodge and hide its turn.
General skills:
Invincible routine: use the healing ring to get more time.
Pay attention to the status of the boss and your own. If necessary, we can take drugs back to full mana, or you can use drugs to transform and then become stronger to fight. It is important to be familiar with your skills. The greater use of five consecutively bouncing shield skill, the higher damage it will cause. Ghost skill can’t be used for output. Hide skill can save life. If you don’t have much physical strength or shield you can hide to get more time back to full mana.
Advanced methods:
When you get three stars and the Endless Corridor is completed, you can improve your attributes to be better by the following steps.
1. Get a set of level 5 attack gems,
2. Make a set of equipment.
Method ①: Make a set of equipment according to the attributes of the S++ necklace got in the Endless Corridor, and then to do the Brave Challenge where we can get weapons and rings with the same attributes of the necklace.It better to get weapons and rings with critical strike damage.
Method ②: If the necklace has the attribute of fire and electricity, but does not have the corresponding Ghost Bishop or Manny, then ignore the necklace attribute, then change the direction to attack, matching with 15 attack gems. If the necklace is also an attack one, then the attack value should be about at 8800, if the necklace is an attribute attack one, then the attack value should be at 8150, I am the latter.
Method ③: Make a set of S+ equipment,because the attributes of this set of equipment is attack, if matching with 15 attack gems, the total attack value is at about 10570, while the S ++ set is only at 9600.
3.Ghosts skill is selected according to your attributes with the highest attack value. What I made is a set of equipment with 8150 attack value, the highest damage value reaches more than 120,000 in the skill of the War Colossus at the first segment alone.If you are familiar with these, Ghost skill is a skill with powerful output .
Personal experience:
1.Black market skill books can be purchased according to the situation in the early stage. Although there are huge amount of skill books in the Brave Trail in the later stage, there is need of skill books in the early stage.
2.Equipment: There are three sets for each map, the Gnome sells one set , the Blacksmith sells the other two sets which are the soldier set and the knight set. It is no need to buy the soldier set which will get after finish the map. So the knight set is our first choice to buy to get 3 stars. If we don’t have attributes to defend, the 3 stars will lose if hit by the boss. It's recommended to buy equipment to unlock the new picture. Weapons are also recommended to get during this process for they are easy to get them out. You can buy necklaces and rings according to the situation of gold coins, because they are not expensive.
3.Skills: If the skill book is enough, then use them all to full stage, but this is basically impossible in the early stage. It is suggested to
slash the storm column with lightly attack and the use the shield skill to get +skills.
4.The order of adding points for shield defense skills: guard blade > chain flash > shield enhancement > burst flash, CD > energy costing. It is useful to use five consecutively bouncing shield skill to against boss or small monsters, and the damage value is also high. It’s the priority to update among all skills. The rest of the skills are almost the same, just update what you are used to.
The final choice of ice and fire depends on your habits, both of which are available.
5.Forging: It depends on your situation. Anyway, you can get the 3-stars achievement easily with a set of fully strengthened knights, small monsters can not break the defense, if you have good gems, even some bosses you meet at first can not break the defense, either.
6.Ghosts: There are 5 of them in total, and the host one has additional attack and defense bonuses. When your own attribute defense value is low, it is recommended to give priority to attribute resistance. If you don’t know how to do it, then you can choose the attribute resistance according to the knight suit. When you are proficient, you can choose according to your highest attribute attack or attack. For example, if your attack value is the highest, you can select the first War Colossus, which is mainly used for causing damage. , there are corresponding skills after hosting, 60cd, which is invincible while releasing,  it can be used to avoid the boss high damage skills or clear small monsters,but there are individual skills that are not invincible for the duration of the release, so you have to try by yourself.
7.Element plate: 4 attack attributes on the upper left and 4 defense attributes on the lower right. You can only activate one attack attribute or one defense attribute. The selection of attribute should refer to your own equipment. Choose the level-5 attack attribute when you have one, or choose the highest one.
8. Additional attributes of equipment: the best one is critical damage attribute, the others are almost the same.
9.Chapter 5 strategy guide: Unlock the 5th chapter. It is recommended that  buy 2 pieces of knight suits and necklaces from the blacksmith directly, synthesis a 5-level poison resistance, and then complete the Brave Trial, then you can get S++ king set weapons and rings.
Three- stars achievement tips:
First, take a look at your own blood volume, and then take a look at Samsung’s injury limit, and estimate how much blood can be lost. When equipped with normal equipment, you are often get injured by small monsters, you can hangup or choose not to fight back and then try it again. It will gain more possibility to win if reset the injury statistics, or you could transform when you meet the boss, but you have to check your equipment and  injuries. The injury here refers to how much blood you have lost in total. You can get healed by killing small monsters and grabbing skills.
Then, get familiar with boss skills > attribute defense > damage. In a word, getting familiar with boss skills is the premise. Then forge equipment. When attribute defense or defense is almost completed, try to improve the attack value. There is a limit that you have to try by yourself. You can pass some maps first and try to get 3-stars achievement after you get knight suit. For example, the 3-star fault tolerance rate of  Alvit is low, and it’s not easy to pass without equipment.
Release five consecutively bouncing shield skill. There is a tips of this skill,  After releasing the shield defense, the first attack is automatic, and then click when you see the damage volume, you must be patient. If you can’t block it,  then dodge, which can only consecutively dodge at most 5 times, so it is recommended to leave at least one dodge, especially during the ghost skills CD.
Three- stars achievement tips of 5-10 Blood God
As to the equipment, it is basically weapons, rings of the king suit and clothes, necklaces of the knight suit, which is full of reinforcement. As to gems, buy gems with critical damage, damage increasing and attack. Inlay them after  synthesis. It is enough to inlay 2-3 level-5 gems with critical damage.( The gem with critical damage has changed after the latest update, you have to inlay 2-3gems to achieve the critical damage rate of 100%. While a 470% critical damage rate can be achieved by only one fifth-level gem with critical damage, and critical damage resistance of monsters  is pretty low.) In this case, you should have gained all skills, if not, you can pass the Brave Trail again, there are nearly 200 skill books at one time. 
Boss skills at stage 1: ①Slash when the body turns red, using five consecutively bouncing shield skill.② Dodge when red body accumulates strength to stab.③ When the sword is inserted into the body and then explodes, you must run away, the damage is high and it will cause blood- losing.④ Other skills are are not payed enough attention, but five consecutively bouncing shield skill can be used to defend.
QTE stage: go to left, go up, jab, go to right. The time is very short, probably only half of the time of other maps, so the hand speed must be fast, you can do it by practicing.
Boss skills at stage 2: ① When the boss turns red and bend, there will be a circle at the foot,  it’s the best time to explode, you have to dodge, you might get hurt if you run away. I remember I had once experience. ②The boss flies to the sky to summon a circle of swords to smash it down,
there are hints on the ground, you can avoid hitting by blocking and dodging, but you must be patient.There is a period of time between the boss flies to the sky and the falling of sword. You have to use the skill at the best time.
In addition to these, you can choose to get the 3-star achievements or try the 2 method according to your health status. 
The first one is that don’t get injured while fighting with small monsters, save your anger value and don't use it. In the first stage, you can rely on dodge + five consecutively bouncing shield skill to protect yourself from getting injured.  In the second stage, you could transform at the best time to kill the boss. 
Second, the  requirements for damage value are higher. In the first stage, there will basically not cause damage. In the second stage, you can  use the ghost skill when the boss flies to the sky , and then use the five consecutively bouncing shield skill. Find a good opportunity to smash the storm turn. The King S+_+ weapons can only use a few times. So it is necessary to find the good time to dodge, for the boss skill has regularity.
Notes: Boss will enter QTE at about 55% of his blood volume, so check its blood volume in advance. You can turn one more damage to the smash storm and reduce the burden for the second stage.
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