CrossFire: Warzone Latest Patch Notes 9.24.20

[b]Source: CrossFire Warzone Official Facebook
Hello Commanders!
This is from CrossFire: Warzone.
Check out more technical details below!
1. New Content
∙ 1) Unite with other Alliances to form a powerful Force!
→ The Alliance Force system will be added.
→ Any Alliance will be able to form a Force by aligning with up to two lower level sub-alliances.
→ A Force is made up of one high-alliance and up to two sub-alliances.
→ Support Alliances within the Force by providing Alliance gift boxes.
∙ 2) Hurry and secure a safe place before other Commanders!
→ The field will be downsized periodically from now on.
→ The overall field size will shrink towards the Capital over a period of 70 days.
→ Any Terrorists, M.O.W.s, Scavenger Corps, and Mineral Mines in the downsized field will disappear.
∙ 3) Higher Command Post levels, will gain more powerful buffs.
→ Buffs will be available for Command Posts level Lv. 22 and up. Respective buffs will stack.
∙ 4) Rewards based on Total Power Lv will be added.
→ A congratulatory message will be sent when the Total Power Lv meets a set milestone.
→ A congratulatory message will be sent when the Research Power Lv meets a set milestone.
∙ 5) A new Commander image will be added.
2. System Improvement
∙ 1) The Mineral Mine collection method well be improved.
→ A unified Mineral Mine management tool has been added and can be easily managed through the UI.
→ You will be able to collect from the Mineral Mine a maximum number of 20 times per day.
→ Commanders who collect Dollars from the Mineral Mine will now receive a portion of the Dollars collected.
∙ 2) Commanders will now be able to participate in a Rally via the 'Alliance ▶ War Status' menu.
∙ 3) Alliance buildings that are available for construction will be at the top of 'Alliance ▶ Alliance Building'.
[b]∙ 4) The Challenger Pass will be improved.
→ An Achievement message will be sent when completing a Challenger Pass stage.
→ An icon will be displayed at the bottom of the main UI when a reward is available.
[b]∙ 5) More Chapter Missions will be added after Chapter 20.
→ There will be 5 Chapters added.
→ Additional chapters will require a minimum Commander level.
[b]∙ 6) Private Chat will be improved.
→ The UI of Private/Group chat rooms will be changed.
→ Chat scrolling will be improved so that is does not default to older messages.
∙ 7) An icon will be added to the main UI that will indicate a Field unlock.
∙ 8) Balance regarding battle will be modified.
→ Damage will be partially adjusted when there is a large difference in troop tier.
∙ 9) The number of Scavenger Control Towers will be reduced.
∙ 10) Balance regarding the total number of allowed Alliance member will be modified.
→ Max number of new Alliance members will be reduced from 50 to 40.
→ The number of additional Alliance members gained from research will be reduced.
[b]∙ 11) The probability of Alliance Festival mission occurrence, and reward balance, will be adjusted.
∙ 12) A Mineral Mine zone will be formed. Commanders will be able to check a field of Mineral Mines in a specific area.
∙ 13) Commanders will now see exhausted soldiers, resting out in front of the Academy.
∙ 14) A guide message will be delivered to players before a City Takeover begins.
∙ 15) A special display will occur when obtaining a good reward.
∙ 16) The function to read all mail will be added.
∙ 17) 1,000 Gold will be given when joining an Alliance for the first time.
∙ 18) Incorrect display of some Officers' stats will be modified.[/b]
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